1) The beneficiary (ies) should be from the Scheduled Caste Community.

 2) Individuals, Partnership Firms and Co-operative Societies are eligible to undertake income generating activities. However, proposals submitted by Partnership Firms and Co-operative Societies shall be considered subject to the following:

(a) All the members of Partnership Firms/Co-operative Societies belong to Scheduled Caste community

(b) Annual family income of each member/applicant should not exceed Rs.3.00 lakh. Note: Applicants are required to apply for financial assistance from NSFDC through the concerned State Channelizing Agencies (SCAs)/Channelizing Agencies (CAs). Direct contact or correspondence by the Applicants/Beneficiaries shall not be entertained by NSFDC under any circumstances.

3) Annual family income of the applicants should be within Rs.3.00 lakhs (for both rural and urban areas w.e.f. 08.03.2018) under Credit Based Schemes. There is no income criterion under Skill Development Training Programmes.

Note. : The verification of eligibility criteria shall be the sole responsibility of the SCAs/CAs. NSFDC shall, however, be entitled to re- verify the eligibility of the applicants, if it so desires.

Managed by: Sapan Barua (sapanbarua7@gmail.com)
on 16 April, 2024