To provide financial assistance for activities which can tackle the climate change along with income generation.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for coverage of beneficiaries under the  Green Business Scheme shall be as follows:
   (a)  The applicants should be persons belonging to Scheduled Castes
    (b)   Their annual family income should be below  Rs. 3.00 lakh for both rural & urban areas.

Indicative Schemes

a.Battery electric vehicle (E-rickshaw)
b. Compressed air vehicle
c. Solar energy gadgets
d. Poly houses

Unit Cost

The eligible candidates can avail financial assistance under this scheme for unit cost up to Rs. 30.00 lakh (Rupees thirty lakh only). NSFDC provides loan up to 90% of the unit cost.

Quantum of Assistance 

NSFDC would provide need based loans under the Scheme as permissible under NSFDC Term Loan Lending Policy, promoter contribution and after taking into consideration the margin money being provided by SCAs, subsidy provided by other Government  agencies and subsidy provided to Below Poverty Line (BPL) beneficiaries under the Central-Sector Scheme of Special Central Assistance to the Special Component Plan to the extent of @ Rs.10,000/- or 50% of the unit cost, whichever is less. 

Interest Rates


Unit Cost

Maximum Loan Limit upt 90% of unit Cost

Interest per Annum






Green Business Scheme (GBS)

Upto Rs. 7.50 Lakh

Rs. 6.75 lakh




Above Rs. 7.50 lakh & upto Rs. 15.00 lakh

Rs. 13.50 lakh




Above Rs. 15.00 lakh & upto Rs. 30.00 lakh

Rs. 27.00 lakh




Repayment Period

The loan under the scheme shall be repaid in quarterly installments, within a maximum period of 10 years including moratorium period of 06 months. In addition, 120 days moratorium period is allowed to SCA for fund utilization.

Managed by: Sapan Barua (
on 29 June, 2022